Collected Works of Shinran

Hymns in Praise of Prince Shotoku

Gutoku Zenshin


Coming to entrust ourselves to the Vow of inconceivable Buddha-wisdom
Through the kindness of Prince Shotoku,
We have entered the stage of the truly settled
And are like Maitreya, the future Buddha.


Great Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, the world-savior,
Who appeared as Prince Shotoku,
Is like a father, never leaving us,
And like a mother, always watching over us.


From the beginningless past down to the present,
Prince Shotoku has compassionately
Watched over us, like a father,
And stayed close to us, like a mother.


Prince Shotoku has compassionately
Urged and led us to enter
The Vow of inconceivable Buddha-wisdom,
So that we now dwell in the stage of the truly settled.


Let those who realize shinjin that is Other Power,
In order to repay the Buddha’s benevolence,
Spread the two aspects of Amida’s directing of virtue
Throughout all the ten quarters.


Prince Shotoku, the world savior of great love,
Stays close to us, like a father;
Avalokitesvara, the world savior of great compassion,
Stays close to us, like a mother.


As the mark of his compassionate care
From innumerable kalpas in the past down to the present,
We have now been brought to accord with the inconceivable Buddha-wisdom,
Going beyond good and evil, pure and defiled.


Prince Shotoku was the master of the teaching in Japan;
Our immense debt of gratitude can hardly be repaid.
Take refuge in him single-heartedly
And never tire of reverently praising him!


Out of deep care for the beings of Japan,
Prince Shotoku, appearing from his original state,
Widely proclaimed the Tathagata’s compassionate Vow;
Let us rejoice and reverently praise him!


Through innumerable lives and countless kalpas, down to the present,
Each of us has received his deep care.
Take refuge in him single-heartedly
And reverently praise him always!


Prince Shotoku, in his compassionate care,
Protecting and sustaining us ceaselessly,
Urges and guides us to receive
Amida’s two aspects of directing virtue.

Here ends the Hymns in
Praise of Prince Shotoku

Eleven hymns