Category: A Collection of Letters
10 Reply to Kyosai-bo
I understand that that which is called “the Vow that all Buddhas say the Name” and “the Vow that all Buddhas praise the Name” is for the purpose of encouraging the sentient beings of the ten quarters [to entrust themselves to Amida’s Vow]. Further, I have been taught that it fulfills the purpose of bringing…
9 Reply to Yuishin-bo
I have written out and sent to you an explanation of “the Buddha of the twelve kinds of light,” which people are speaking of. It was not possible to write in detail. I have set it forth only roughly. In brief, you should take that which is called Buddha of unhindered light as fundamental. You…
8 To Shoshin-bo
Have you been well since your return? I met Gen Toshiro unexpectedly. Glad at being able to entrust him with a letter for you, I am writing now. Has there been any change? I am extremely happy to hear from various people that matters involving the lawsuit over the nembutsu have eased. I rejoiced that…
7 To Venerable Shinjo-bo
I understand from your letter that you have undergone great difficulties stemming from matters related to the nembutsu. I deeply sympathize with you. In the final analysis, it appears that the conditions [for teaching the nembutsu] in that area have been exhausted. You must not lament about one thing or another regarding the obstruction of…
6 To Jishin-bo
I have carefully read your letter of the ninth month, 27th day. On the 9th day of the eleventh month, I received your gift of money in the amount of five kanmon. I find it indeed deplorable that people in the various areas are saying in different ways that it is meaningless for people of…
5 Reply to Jishin-bo
I am writing you a letter. Please read this letter to the people so that all may hear it. It appears that the nun from Totomi has carefully dealt with the matter. This is splendid; I am greatly pleased. Please fully convey how great my joy is here in the capital. What Shingan-bo is saying…
4 To the People of the Nembutsu
To begin with, it should never happen under any circumstances that the Buddhas and bodhisattvas be thought of lightly or that the gods and deities be despised and neglected. In the course of countless lives in many states of existence, through the benefit of innumerable, incalculable Buddhas and bodhisattvas, we have practiced all the various…
3 Reply to Kyonin-bo
I have gratefully received, from Gonen-bo, your gift of two hundred mon. I wish also to acknowledge receiving some time ago, from some of the people there, offerings made at the nembutsu meetings. Please convey my gratitude to the people. With this reply, please give my thanks to them also. Now then, what you ask…
2 To Shoshin-bo
I have carefully read your letter dated the first of the sixth month. I had heard in general about the litigation involving you in Kamakura. Since I had not heard differently from what you write in your letter, I assumed that nothing beyond that had occurred; I am glad to hear of your return. Generally…
1 Tathagata’s Primal Vow is spreading
That the Tathagata’s Primal Vow is spreading is indeed splendid and gladdening above all else. In this, however, there must never be any arguing, person with person in each locality, while adhering to one’s own view. In the capital also there seems to be much arguing over such matters as “once-calling” and “many-calling”; this should…